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Preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Joseph Catholic Church - Honey Creek takes 2 years. The process begins by prayerfully deciding as a family if everyone is ready to continue this journey that began at Baptism.
Confirmation, then, roots us in our identity as disciples of Christ – and give us the strength to live out the Christian life. We can see what this looks like by considering Pentecost (see Acts 2). After receiving the Holy Spirit, the apostles immediately begin living out their mission to preach the gospel. The sacrament of Confirmation is an outpouring of the same Spirit, who calls us to the same mission.
Once the decision is made to begin the preparation process, register for Confirmation Year I during Faith Formation registration anytime between 9th and 11th grade.
Confirmation preparation includes the following:
Year I – regular attendance at Life Nights, selection of sponsor in the fall semester and Confirmation name (Saint) in the spring semester
Year II – regular attendance of Confirmation class, ongoing relationship with sponsor and prayers to Confirmation Saint
There is a $35 fee each year for the confirmation program. The Parent Handbook has information about choosing a Confirmation sponsor and the form to be filed with the church.
Being an active disciple journeying towards Confirmation requires development of a relationship with Christ through:
LEARNING FAITH - Teens can be actively enrolled in High School Faith Formation (Wednesday nights or Sunday Evenings).
GROWING IN COMMUNITY - Teens can support the community with Community Service (at least 15 hours each year).
PRAYING - Consider one of the many prayer opportunities at St. Joseph - Honey Creek such as Eucharistic Adoration, Stations of the Cross, Garden of Gethsemane
FOLLOWING GOD’S COMMANDMENTS - And most importantly, attend Sunday Mass.
For those wishing to receive this sacrament, please go the following link for more information Faith Formation.
Adult Confirmation
We offer eight Sunday morning classes each fall for parishioners to be confirmed in the spring of each year by the bishop. Any questions please contact Charles Noll.