Community Outreach Commission

The Community Outreach Commission coordinates the ministries to help make Disciples, work for social Justice and Right to Life, get volunteers to serve the Parish, and help to insure the parishioners are kept informed about what is happening in the parish. Its scope includes outreach to both the parish membership and the larger community, either in the neighborhood or beyond. The ministries include:

  • Catholic Daughters
  • Knights of Columbus
  • MOM Ministry
  • Respect Life Ministry
  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul
  • Widows Ministry
  • Holy League

Catholic Daughters

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the principles of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.

Contacts: Barbara Benton

Knights of Columbus

The mission of the Knights of Columbus is to encourage the Catholic faith of their members, their families, and the community through their charity and the examples of their lives, and to stand in service to, as well as witnesses to, the Good News of the Gospel. The principles of the Order are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.

Contacts: Council 8521 - Tommy Rubio and Assembly 3439 - Eloy Uresti

Respect Life Ministry

In response to the Gospel of Life, the members of Respect Life commit themselves to prayer, education, and action in defense of life. It is our purpose to foster an awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death. We are dedicated to observing, and promoting the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on all life issues. Some of these include: abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, stem cell research, the death penalty and helping the poor, less fortunate, sick and lonely of the world.

Contacts: Margaret Juarez

Motherhood of Mary Ministry

The Motherhood of Mary (MOM) Ministry needs you! The MOM Ministry is a group of women united in our vocation of motherhood serving our families, church, and community by building up God's domestic church through liturgical living. For more information about the ministry or any events email

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Our Mission

St Vincent de Paul is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.

Our Purpose

To grow together in holiness and friendship by providing spiritual and material assistance to members of our parish & community during their time of need. The services we provide include:

  • Food supplementation
  • Emergency food relief
  • Collection and distribution of clothing
  • “Back to school” supplies program
  • “Angel Tree” program for Christmas giving
  • Emergency financial assistance for rent and utilities
  • Referral to local programs providing additional support

If you are interested in joining St. Vincent de Paul, wish to make a donation or are in need of support, please call: 830-438-3725