High School

Our high school teens have opportunities throughout the year to come closer to Christ and their Catholic community. We offer faith formation programs Sunday evenings (6:15-8:15 pm). These program times offer weekly small discipleship groups and monthly large group events. Our programs and service projects stay relevant, engaging, and dynamic to be centered and focused on Jesus Christ.


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We strive to fulfill the needs of our faith community by stressing the Adoration of Christ, the importance of building Christian Community, and serving others by utilizing the Theological teaching of the Church.

Teen Confirmation

To prepare teens for the Sacrament of Confirmation and bring them into full communion through the sacramental life of the Church.

Teen Events

Each year the teens of the parish go beyond growing in faith in the classrooms. We offer various camps, conferences, retreats, and events to grow in faith and become Christ's hands and feet in the world.

Registration Link

Please call or visit the Faith Formation office for class and registration information.

Adult Faith Formation

Please call or visit the Faith Formation office for information about our Adult Formation opportunities.
Adult Faith Formation Page

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