Honey Creek Festival

Message from your Festival Charman

First, I want to thank God for such a beautiful day he gave us for our annual Festival.
Thank you to those Parishioners and guests who make this event possible each year. Your patronage is most appreciated. I hope that you enjoyed the great food, fun and fellowship. Please know that each one of you makes a huge difference, no matter the value of your contribution.
Now to my Committee Leads, Knights of Columbus and all the volunteers, your hard work and long hours have made this year’s Festival a HUGE success. I have never seen such dedication and the closeness in which all Ministries come together for one cause. Remember what I continued to say since our first meeting in June, it is not I but all of you that make this possible. Without you, we will have no Festival. I wish I could mention you all by name.
A special thank you to my co-lead Sandra Lynch. Your extreme dedication has made the entire process run smoothly.
I pray that all of you will join me again next year, Parishioners and volunteers, to continue the tradition.
Many Blessings,

James Sulak

Truck winner: Congratulations to the Limon Family!
